Recebi por e-mail pela Bib_Virtual. O interessante é que esse será um evento que acontecerá no Second Life, que morreu, mas para isso ele deve ser muito interessante.
Saturday, March 8, 2008 in Second Life
Purpose of the Conference:
To provide a gathering place for librarians, information professionals, educators, museologists, and others to learn about and discuss the educational, informational, and cultural opportunities of virtual worlds.
Please note: Although the conference will be held in the virtual world Second Life, presentation and paper proposals about LEM developments in other virtual worlds are encouraged.
Possible Topics for Presentations, Papers, and Participatory Events:
· Virtual world events and exhibits as the drivers of attendance
and engagement
· Immersive learning environments
· Reference service possibilities and practicalities in virtual worlds
· Corporate and special librarianship in virtual worlds
· Educational tools and resources
· Enterprise uses of virtual worlds
· Tours of LEM locations in Second Life
· Gaming and virtual worlds
· VW LEM opportunities for children, tweens, and teens
· Dreams and visions for LEM activities in virtual worlds
· Assessing LEM initiatives in virtual worlds
· Sustainability issues and opportunities for LEM activities in
virtual worlds
· Other topics pertinent to the broad topic of LEM activities in
virtual worlds are welcome! Send us your innovative proposals!
Tudo acontecerá na sexta, dia 7 de março das 17 às 19 no horário do pacífico e no sabado a partir das 8 da manhã, na ilha da Sun Microsystems no Second Life.